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Sched | Inhab | First Name | Surname | Rel to Head | Marital Status | Age Sex | Occupation | Empl Status | Where Born | Affli- ctions |
Microfiche number RG12/244, Page 8, 127 , |
6 | I | William | Holmes | H | M | 38 M | Police Sergeant, Met. Police | Ed | Buckinghamshire, Gt. Brickhill |
6 | Sarah | Holmes | W | M | 34 F | Kent, Greenwich |
6 | William | Kempster | Ne | 11 M | Scholar | Bedfordshire, Leighton Buzzard |
7 | Eliza | Alford | H | Wi | 48 F | Shirt Collar Maker | Ed | London, Walworth |
8 | James | Anderson | H | M | 44 M | Club Manager | Ed | London, Bloomsbury |
8 | Ann | Anderson | W | M | 41 F | London, Piccadilly |
8 | James | Anderson | So | 16 M | Scholar | London, Holborn |
8 | Alexander | Anderson | So | 15 M | Errand Boy | Ed | London, Holborn |