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Sched | Inhab | First Name | Surname | Rel to Head | Marital Status | Age Sex | Occupation | Empl Status | Where Born | Affli- ctions |
Microfiche number RG12/244, Page 8, 129 , |
9 | I | Robert | Burch | H | M | 50 M | Gents Collar Maker, Shirt | Er | Essex, Earls Colne |
9 | Esther | Burch | W | M | 46 F | Buckinhamshire, Aylesbury |
9 | Nelly | Burch | Da | S | 16 F | Milliner's Apprentice | Ed | London, Hoxton |
9 | William | Burch | So | 14 M | Errand Boy | Ed | London, Hoxton |
9 | Etty | Burch | Da | 11 F | Scholar | London, Hoxton |
9 | Jessie | Burch | Da | 5 F | Scholar | London, Hoxton |
9 | Sophia | Brownlow | Fr | S | 25 F | London, Kentish Town |
10 | John | Beck | H | M | 49 M | Dramatic Author & Actor | Ed | Lancashire, Manchester |
10 | Rose | Beck | W | M | 47 F | Actress | Ed | Suffolk, Mildenhall |
10 | Mary Ann | Ares | Sl | S | 44 F | Actress | Ed | Suffolk, Mildenhall |
10 | Beatrice | Beck | Da | S | 19 F | Actress | Ed | Lancashire, Liverpool |
11 | Reginald | Bottesdale | H | M | 35 M | Blake Machine Operator | Ed | Suffolk, Ipswich |
11 | Annie | Bottesdale | W | M | 34 F | Derbyshire, Derby |
11 | Ethel | Bottesdale | Da | 8 F | Scholar | London, Hoxton |
11 | Winifred | Bottesdale | Da | 6 F | Scholar | Leicestershire, Leicester |
11 | Reginald | Bottesdale | So | 4 M | Scholar | London, Mile End |