London Census 1891 Transcription Blog


The Free 1891 London Census Database

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SchedInhabFirst NameSurnameRel to HeadMarital StatusAge SexOccupationEmpl StatusWhere BornAffli- ctions
Microfiche number RG12/244, Page 9,   137 ,
15 I Henry Haysom H M 28 M Brass Finisher Ed Hants, Southampton
15 Amy Haysom W M 26 F Hants, Portsmouth
15 Theophilis Haysom So 3 M Essex, Walthamstow
15 Helena Haysom Da 2 F Essex, Walthamstow
16 Mary A. Douglass H Wi 57 F LOOM London, Hackney
16 Kate A. Douglass Da S 17 F London, Hackney
16 John Nickhols Bo S 50 M Gas Engineer Er Kent, Gravesend
