London Census 1891 Transcription Blog


The Free 1891 London Census Database

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SchedInhabFirst NameSurnameRel to HeadMarital StatusAge SexOccupationEmpl StatusWhere BornAffli- ctions
Microfiche number RG12/244, Page 10,   145 ,
21 I Henry Vagg H M 37 M Railway Porter Ed Somersetshire, Chilcompton
21 Martha Vagg W M 28 F Berkshire, Abingdon
21 Amy M. Vagg Da 6 F London, Hoxton
21 Gerald S. Vagg So 4 M London, Hoxton
21 Alfred J. Vagg So 2 M London, Hoxton
22 Berthold C. Manern H M 46 M Hat Manufacturer Er Germany, Berlin, British Subject
22 Jane L. Manern W M 38 F Assists Husband in Hat Manufacture Er London, Hoxton
23 Edwin Smith H M 48 M Journeyman Jeweller, Gold Ed London, Clerkenwell
23 Eliza Smith W M 40 F Dressmaker Ne London, Islington
23 William Wigmore Bo S 43 M Journeyman Jeweller, Gold Ed London, Clerkenwell
24 Harry Whitman H M 36 M Fish Porter Ed London, Hackney
24 Ellen Whitman W M 31 F London, Walworth
24 Florence Whitman Da 3 F London, Shoreditch
24 Herbert Whitman So 1 M London, Shoreditch
