London Census 1891 Transcription Blog


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SchedInhabFirst NameSurnameRel to HeadMarital StatusAge SexOccupationEmpl StatusWhere BornAffli- ctions
Microfiche number RG12/280, Page 208,   11 ,
43 I William Woolf H M 43 M Master Tailor Er Russia
43 Sophia Woolf W M 42 F London, Shoreditch
43 Rachel Woolf Da S 17 F London, Whitechapel
43 Phillip Woolf So S 16 M Tailors Apprentice Ed London, Whitechapel
43 Hannah Woolf Da 11 F Scholar London, St. Georges E.
43 Leopold Woolf So 10 M Scholar London, St. Georges E.
43 Samuel Woolf So 7 M Scholar London, Whitechapel
43 Margaret Trabers Se S 26 F General Servant London, Lambeth
