London Census 1891 Transcription Blog


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Back to Streets > Back to Bristow Street, Shoreditch
SchedInhabFirst NameSurnameRel to HeadMarital StatusAge SexOccupationEmpl StatusWhere BornAffli- ctions
Microfiche number RG12/244, Page 78,   29 Bristow Street, Shoreditch,
118 I W'm Cha's Broomhall H M 22 M Engineer's Labourer Ed London, Shoreditch
118 Emma Alice Ribham Broomhall W M 26 F London, Shoreditch
118 Emma Alice Broomhall Da 2 F London, Hackney
118 William Broomhall So 4m M London, Shoreditch
118 Charlotte Broomhall Ml Wi 68 F LOOM London, Shoreditch
119 Rich'd Hyams H M 64 M Bone Engraver Ne London, St. Lukes
119 Susan Hyams W M 66 F Windsor
120 Edward Broomhall H M 57 M Splint Cutter for Matches London, Hoxton
120 Elizabeth Broomhall W M 57 F London, Limehouse
120 Geo' Broomhall So S 16 M Gold Blocking Apprentice Ed London, Hoxton
