London Census 1891 Transcription Blog


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Back to Streets > Back to Charlotte Street, Whitechapel
SchedInhabFirst NameSurnameRel to HeadMarital StatusAge SexOccupationEmpl StatusWhere BornAffli- ctions
Microfiche number RG12/280, Page 258,   1 Charlotte Street, Whitechapel,
83 I Morris Michaels H M 40 M Draper Ne Germany, Drogasan, Nat Brit Subj.
83 Rosa Michaels W M 25 F Germany, Wougrouch
83 Dora Davies Si S 17 F Germany, Wougrouch
83 Sarah Anne Barnes Se S 24 F General Servant Dom Oxfordshire
84 Lewis Marks H Wi 47 M Master Tailor Er Russia, Lenna
84 Rachael Marks Da S 24 F Tailoress Ed Russia, Lenna
84 Rose Marks Da S 22 F Tailoress Ed Russia, Lenna
84 Sue Marks Da S 20 F Button Hole Hand Ed Russia, Lenna
84 Jacob Marks So S 18 M Machinist Ed Russia, Lenna
84 Harris Marks So S 17 M Tailor Ed Russia, Lenna
84 Mildred Linscot Se Wi 59 F Domestic Servant Ed Russia, Lenna
