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Back to Streets > Back to Charlotte Street, Whitechapel |
Sched | Inhab | First Name | Surname | Rel to Head | Marital Status | Age Sex | Occupation | Empl Status | Where Born | Affli- ctions |
Microfiche number RG12/280, Page 264, 10 Charlotte Street, Whitechapel, |
128 | William | Miller | H | M | 60 M | Carpenter | Ed | Suffolk, Ipswich |
128 | Mary | Miller | W | M | 59 F | Suffolk, Ipswich |
128 | Harry | Miller | So | S | 21 M | General Labourer | Ed | London, Stepney |
129 | I | Thomas | Musgrove | H | M | 68 M | General Hawker | Ne | Worcestershire, Bingham |
129 | Sarah | Musgrove | W | M | 67 F | Suffolk, Harwich |
213 | I | Samuel | Brooks | H | M | 26 M | Merchant Tailor | Er | Poland, Linshiz |
213 | Amalie | Brooks | W | M | 25 F | Germany, Wiescrien |
213 | Morris Abr. | Brooks | So | S | 2 M | London, Whitechapel |
213 | Louis N. | Brooks | So | 1 M | London, Whitechapel |
214 | Solomon | Saunders | H | M | 33 M | Tailors Presser | Ed | Russia, Poland |
214 | Rachael | Saunders | W | M | 33 F | Russia, Poland |
214 | Abram | Saunders | So | 7 M | London, Whitechapel |
214 | Leah | Saunders | Da | 6 F | London, Whitechapel |
214 | Myer | Saunders | So | 2 M | London, Whitechapel |
214 | Morris | Saunders | So | 1 M | London, Whitechapel |
214 | Henry | Aaron | Lo | S | 21 F | Tailor's Machiner | Ed | London, Poplar |