London Census 1891 Transcription Blog


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Back to Streets > Back to Charlotte Street, Whitechapel
SchedInhabFirst NameSurnameRel to HeadMarital StatusAge SexOccupationEmpl StatusWhere BornAffli- ctions
Microfiche number RG12/280, Page 284,   37 Charlotte Street, Whitechapel,
273 James Thomas Oleby H M 42 M General Labourer Ed Surrey, Southwark
273 Mary Ann Oleby W M 38 F Dress Maker Ed Hants, Portsmouth
274 George Burgess H M 20 M Press Moulder Ed London, Whitechapel
274 Caroline Burgess W M 18 F Rope Maker Ed London, Whitechapel
275 Charles Fern H M 36 M Glass & China Dealer Ne Stafford, Longdon
275 Hannah Fern W M 34 F Glass & China Dealer Ne Stafford, Longdon
275 Minnie Fern Da 14 F Stafford, Longdon
275 Matilda Fern Da 11 F Scholar London, Whitechapel
275 Charles Fern So 9 M Scholar London, Whitechapel
275 Hannah Fern Da 7 F Scholar London, Whitechapel
275 Ellen Fern Da 1 F London, Whitechapel
275 James Woodard Bo S 22 M Glass & China Dealer Ne London, Bethnal Green
