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Back to Streets > Back to Camberwell Road, St. Mary, Newington |
Sched | Inhab | First Name | Surname | Rel to Head | Marital Status | Age Sex | Occupation | Empl Status | Where Born | Affli- ctions |
Microfiche number RG12/357, Page 156, 26 Camberwell Road, St. Mary, Newington, Shop |
471 | I | Mary A. | Dowdney | H | Wi | 63 F | Trimming Seller | Ne | London, Lambeth |
471 | Ebenezer P. | Dowdney | So | M | 31 M | C. Clerk | London, Lambeth |
471 | Marion Amy | Dowdney | Dl | M | 32 F | Machinist | Ed | Warwick, Birmingham |
471 | William E.P. | Dowdney | Gs | S | 5 M | London, Lambeth |
471 | Ebenezer C. | Dowdney | Gs | S | 3 M |