London Census 1891 Transcription Blog


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Back to Streets > Back to Camberwell Road, St. Mary, Newington
SchedInhabFirst NameSurnameRel to HeadMarital StatusAge SexOccupationEmpl StatusWhere BornAffli- ctions
Microfiche number RG12/357, Page 181,   51 & 53 Camberwell Road, St. Mary, Newington,
15 I Frank Gunn H M 40 M Draper's Manager Ed Cornwall, Liskeard
15 Elizabeth M. Gunn W M 39 F Essex, Writtle
15 Albert B. Gunn So 2 M Middlesex, Highgate
15 Dorothy M. Gunn Da 10m F Middlesex, Highgate
15 Mary Rebecca Moore Se S 35 F Domestic Servant Hants, Southampton
15 Lydia J. Mills Se S 22 F Assistant (Draper) Ed Northampton
15 Arthur A. Arnold Vi 4 M London, Camberwell
