
The Free 1891 London Census Database
An explanation of the abbreviations used in the database.

Within each transcribed page, I’ve listed the house number plus a description where necessary, e.g. 1 Maidman St – Uninhabited – Mission Hall, or a pub name etc. Then, in table form, the occupants of each house. Each family is assigned a schedule number by the Census Authority, and that number can be found in the left hand column of each microfiche page, so that number is listed in the left hand column of the transcription. Each house has an individual table, but more than one family can occupy each house.

I think my abbreviations are fairly self explanatory, Do = Ditto and is used throughout the flat files just as it is in the census microfiches. However in the database I have opted not to use ditto as some searches could throw up results that would look silly with lots of meaningless dittos

In the 2nd column I stands for Inhabited, a bit redundant really I suppose, U stands for Uninhabited.

The 3rd column, contains first or given names. Here, the census enumerators very often abbreviate some first names like Frederick to Fredk with the k being in superscript. I can’t reproduce superscript in the database at present so I’ve just entered them as above. Elizabeth is often abbreviated to Eliz or Elizth also, and Thomas is often abbreviated to Thos.

The 4th column lists surnames

In the 5th column:
Ac = Adopted Child, Ad = Adopted Daughter, Ap = Apprentice, As = Adopted Son, Att = Attendant, Au = Aunt, AMO = Assistant Medical Officer,
Bl = Brother-in-Law, Bo = Boarder, Br = Brother,
Co = Cousin,
Da = Daughter, Dl = Daughter-in-Law,
Em = Employee or Assistant,
Fa = Father, Fl = Father-in-Law, Fc = Foster Child, Fr = Friend,
Gc = Grandchild, Gd = Granddaughter, Gg = Great Granddaughter or Great Grandson – Sex determines, Gm = Grandmother, Gn = Grandnephew, Gs = Grandson, Gsil = Grandson in Law
H = Head, Hk = House Keeper (alternative name for a servant I think), Hu = Husband, HB = Half Brother, HP = Hall Porter, HS = Half Sister,
Ic = In Charge,
KM = Kitchen Maid,
Lo = Lodger, LaW = Living as Wife, Lm = Laundrymaid,
M = Mother, Mi = Mistress, Mg = Manager or Manageress, Ml = Mother-in-Law, MS = Medical Superintendant,
Ne = Nephew, Ni = Niece, nk = Not Known, No = None, Nu = Nurse, NC = Nurse Child (whatever that means!)
Oc = Occupier,
Pa = Patient, PM = Parlour Maid, Po = Proprietor, Pr = Prisoner,
Re = Relative,
Sd = Step-daughter, Se = Servant, Si = Sister, Sl = Sister-in-Law, or Son-in-Law – Sex determines, So = Son, Ss = Step-Son,
Tr = Traveller
Un = Uncle,
Vi = Visitor,
Wa = Waitress, W = Wife, Wi = Widow or Widower – Sex determines.

A Boarder and a Lodger are effectively the same thing, and they use them both within the census microfiches, so they are both used here.

The 6th column shows marital status; Di for divorced, M for married, M-Sep = Married, but Separated, S for single, Wi = Widow or Widower, Uk = Unknown.

The 7th column shows age and sex: 9m F = 9 month old Female, 9 M = 9 year old Male.

The 8th column is occupation; LOOM = Living on own Means, Regd = Registered.

In the 9th column Ed = Employed, Er = Employer, and Ne = Neither Employer nor Employed.

The 10th column shows the place of birth, and may include an abbreviation such as N.B.S. = Naturalised British Subject, or M.E.N.T. = Mile End New Town.

The 11th column is to be used to show any disabilities such as Bl = Blind, DB = Deaf and Blind, d&d or D&D = Deaf and Dumb, D&DFB = Deaf & Dumb from Birth, Imb = Imbecile, Ifc = Imbecile from childhood, Lfc = Lame from childhood, Lu = Lunatic, P = Paralyzed, PfB = Paralyzed from Birth, PB = Partially Blind.

You may notice that in some places I’ll list the place of birth as for example London, Stepney, whilst elsewhere I’ll list it as Stepney, London. That’s not me being erratic, I’m simply listing the information exactly as it is in the census microfiches.

I’ll add annotations below the tables where more explanation is required.

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