Have you ever wondered what the term second cousin, twice
removed meant? Have you ever wondered what is the relationship between
you and a distant relative?
This chart might help you to work out those complicated
distant relations. The forward slashes lead up to parents, and the
backslashes lead down to their children. Extend the chart upwards,
downwards and across and you will eventually find Adam & Eve!!!
Please note; this chart will not display well on a mobile phone!
                             4 X Great
                              /     \
                       3 X Great   4 X Great
                    Grandparents   Uncle-Aunt
                        /    \           \
                 2 X Great  3 X Great  1st Cousin
               Grandparents Uncle-Aunt 4 X Removed
                  /    \           \          \
            Great    2 X Great   1st Cousin  2nd Cousin
        Grandparents Uncle-Aunt  3 X Removed 3 X Removed
            /    \          \           \          \
      Grand     Great      1st Cousin  2nd Cousin  3rd Cousin
     Parents  Uncle-Aunt   2 X Removed 2 X Removed 2 X Removed
      /   \          \           \          \          \
 Father  Uncle 1st Cousin  2nd Cousin  3rd Cousin 4th Cousin
 Mother  Aunt Once Removed Once Removed Once Removed Once Rem
 /   \        \          \          \          \       \
YOU Brother   1st        2nd        3rd        4th     5th
     Sister  Cousin     Cousin     Cousin     Cousin  Cousin
 \       \      \          \           \           \
 Son   Nephew 1st Cousin  2nd Cousin  3rd Cousin  4th Cousin
Daughter Neice Once Removed Once Removed Once Removed Once Removed
    \         \           \           \           \
   Grand     Grand       1st Cousin  2nd Cousin  3rd Cousin
   Child   Nephew-Neice  2 X Removed 2 X Removed 2 X Removed
       \          \            \           \
      Great     Great Grand   1st Cousin  2nd Cousin
    Grandchild  Nephew-Neice 3 X Removed 3 X Removed
            \          \           \
         2 X Great 2 X Great Grand 1st Cousin
         Grandchild  Nephew-Neice   4 X Removed
               \           \
            3 X Great 3 X Great Grand
           Grandchild  Nephew-Neice
               4 X Great